Thursday, July 12, 2007

"T h e G a m e"...

Din seria Aberatii sau Just my Imagination….

What is a game?

A game is supposed to be determined by a purpose (the grand prize), by a period of time, by rules…

I wonder….

What about..."The Game"?

A Game that has no limit of time (you start now…and you never know when you’ll get to the finish line)…no boundaries…rules & stakes changing along with the game…No way to turn…No way to skip a challenge….

All that you need is Imagination….Courage….the Power to Defeat your Fears…your Prejudices….and of course a capable partner…someone who dares!…

A challenge!!!…A way to “storm” your life…to compete…to bring a doze of excitement!...

What about that?!...


The ref said...

Din suita raspunsuri la averatiile anei...tu chiar ai nevoie de ceva excitement daca ai timp sa scri atatea idei meaningless mai ales ca esti una din acele persoane care mai vin si duminica la servici :))

ania's.Point said...

:)) dear, specificat in partea dreapta sus ca acest post face parte din seria "aberatii"... 2.treaba cu "meaningless" e plictisesc repede si imi plac provocarile...iar uneori cele mai stupide idei...duc la chestii destul de interesante!

si nu in ultimul rand...sunt deschisa la orice fel de comentarii...bring it on!